Girl in red dress playing with wooden blocks

Join an Action Team!

Want to get more involved with Infancy Onward?

 Join an Action Team! We are currently recruiting volunteers to participate on the following teams:

Sustainability & Membership Team

This Action Team focuses on fundraising, seeking grants, and discussing items that would be useful to our members and audience that could potentially help us generate revenue. The more funding we have, the more staff we can hire and the more work we can do towards our mission!

The Team also focuses on growing our membership base by thinking of what perks would be ideal for our members.

Conference & Event Planning Team
Conference & Event Planning Team

This team helps develop ideas for future events, including fundraisers, trainings, award banquets, board retreats – you name it! The purpose is to increase engagement throughout our state and to raise awareness around infant and early childhood mental health.

Media & Marketing Team
Media & Marketing Team

If you’re a pro when it comes to social media, email campaigns, website data analytics, and/or marketing, we would really love your participation on this team!

Advocacy Team
Advocacy Team

This team is especially important for helping us shape our messaging to support all babies and families within our state, regardless of race, sex, gender, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation, etc. 

Endorsement® Team

This Action Team focuses on the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsements® and how to support applicants through training, Reflective Supervision and exam preparation.

Sign up – Join an Action Team!

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