father holding baby

About us

INfancy Onward is a subsidiary organization of Indiana’s mental health association, Mental Health America of Indiana (MHAI).

Founded in 2000, we are an organization of individuals committed to strengthening relationships between infants, toddlers, early childhood-aged children, parents, and other caregivers.

Infant Mental Health (IMH) professionals believe that the parent-infant relationship is central to the healthy development of young children. We are committed to the view that these relationships are influenced by:

  • the parent or caregiver’s actions and experiences
  • the child’s characteristics and responses
  • the surrounding environment

Our Mission

To advance the conditions which provide an early start toward optimal mental health.

Our Vision

All infants, toddlers and early childhood-aged children are entitled to an opportunity to grow, learn, and develop in a way that enhances their social and emotional health, so that they may reach their maximum potential.

What is Infant Mental Health?

Infant Mental Health is the developing capacity of the child from birth to age three to:

  • experience, regulate, and express emotions
  • form close and secure interpersonal relationships
  • explore the environment and learn

All in the context of family community, and cultural expectations for young children. Infant mental health is synonymous with healthy social and emotional development. ~Zero to Three Infant Mental Health Task Force

 What is Early Childhood Mental Health? 

Early Childhood Mental Health is the developing capacity of the child from three to six years old to:

  • experience, regulate, and express emotions
  • form close and secure interpersonal relationships
  • explore the environment and learn

Our Partners